List of Important Commands used to administer Red Hat's Cluster Suite
Checking status of the cluster
# clustat
Moving a service/package over to another node
# clusvcadm -r <servicename> -m <membername>
Starting a service/package
# clusvcadm -e <servicename> -m <membername>
Stopping/disabling a service/package
# clusvcadm -d <servicename>
Removing a node from the cluster
# chkconfig ccsd off
# chkconfig clvmd off
# chkconfig cman off
# chkconfig cmirror off
# chkconfig fenced off
# chkconfig gfs off
# chkconfig rgmanager off
# shutdown -r now
Gracefully halting the cluster
# clusvcadm -d <servicename>
**Do the following on each node:**
# umount <GFS filesystems>
# service rgmanager stop
# service gfs stop
# service clvmd stop
# service fenced stop
# cman_tool status
# cman_tool leave
# service ccsd stop
Gracefully starting the cluster (Done on each node)
# service ccsd start
# service cman start
# service fenced start
# service clvmd start
# service gfs start
# service rgmanager start
# cman_tool nodes (shows status of nodes)